Frequently Asked QuestionsWho can attend the Horizon Boys & Girls Club in Boise this school year?
Any incoming K through 6th grade child for the 2021-22 school year may enroll until we have reached capacity.
Where can I go to get more information about the Club?
What do I do if I cannot afford a membership for my child?
The Boys & Girls Club is designed to be affordable to all families. However, if you have a need for financial assistance, contact Julianna Jones at the information provided. No child will be denied a general membership due to inability to pay and scholarship funds may exist to help with the cost of extended care.
Julianna Jones
Site Director
(208) 376-4960
Office Hours: 9:30 am-5:30pm Monday-Friday
Can I enroll my child up before receiving orientation information?
No, you must fill out and submit the orientation info form found on any of the Club pages before enrolling any new members. Other Clubs from around the state or nation do not count. We do recommend that all members attend understand all orientation infomarion, but it is not a requirement for renewing members.
Can my child with special needs attend the program?
I heard that the Club is only for low-income families. Is that true?
I heard that the Club staff members are all teenagers. Is that true?
How can I get involved in the Club?
There are many ways to get involved! Donations are always welcome, as are volunteers and opportunities for our kids to get involved in the community. Please visit our website or reach out to Julianna Jones at the information provided below if you would like more information on being involved with the Club or have any further questions!
Julianna Jones
Site Director
(208) 350-4651
Office Hours: 9:30 am-5:30pm Monday-Friday