The ImageMakers is a year-round program that encourages Club members ages 6 to 18 to learn and practice black-and-white, color, digital and alternative process photography. The ImageMakers National Photography Program Resource Guide is full of fun, creative activity ideas for three skill levels, contains a brief, user-friendly guide for advisors and details information about the annual photography contest that provides local, regional and national recognition. Club members’ photographs selected at the contest’s national level are exhibited at BGCA’s National Conference and other events. Each winning artist’s work is featured in a virtual gallery on the ImageMakers Web site, www.imagemakersbgca.org. The site also features resources, tools and fun, interactive activities designed to enhance Club members’ experience with photography.

National Fine Arts Exhibit is a year-round program encourages artistic expression among Club members ages 6 to 18 through drawing, painting, printmaking, collage, mixed media and sculpture displayed at local and regional exhibits. Using the interactive National Fine Arts Program Guide, staff can guide youth through the various art projects with step-by- step instructions and instructional videos. A panel of distinguished judges selects works for inclusion in the National Fine Arts Exhibit, which is displayed throughout the ensuing year at BGCA events, including the annual National Conference.