
Ensuring the safety of children is fundamental to the mission of Boys & Girls Clubs. For more than 100 years, child protection and safety have been the bedrock principles of our work.

Your Voice Matters

We strive to do our best every day to improve the lives of Ada County children and their families in alignment with our mission. If you experienced something you didn’t like related to our services or saw something that was inappropriate or against our policies towards any individual, please click the link below and provide us with this feedback including dates and times the event(s) occurred. All information provided about incidents that occur within the Boys & Girls Club or Club related activities will remain confidential and only result in investigating the matter in an honest and open manner to determine what occurred so that we can take proactive steps to ensure a safe and productive setting for youth. We take a continual improvement approach to our work, so having this information can only help us better serve you and our community.
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